Monday 4 September 2017

Music Video Shortlist

This shortlist contains five potential songs for my music video:

1) The White Stripes - Cannon

I feel this song has a great drum beat which could be effectively amplified through the video by matching action/events to the beat of the drum, as with some of the music videos from my inspiration. Also, mimicking the bands striking use of red, white and black colours could create a create visual aesthetic.

2)Fizzy Blood - January Sun

This song has lyrics which I believe could be used to create really interesting visuals. The changes in pace throughout the song would also be an interesting concept to work with, as I could visualise the speed up/slow down in a variety of ways.

3)Black Honey - All My Pride
There are many possibilities for the video of this song, I feel it could be used as either a performance video or a narrative and well at both. It has a great rhythm to it which would lend itself well to a video.

4)Estrons - Glasgow Kisses
The song has a lot of potential, with its grungy punk tone and powerful female vocals allowing for the opportunity of a unique video. This could also work as either a performance video or a disjunctive one. Theres also a lot of opportunity for unique visuals to illustrate or amplify the song.

5)Tigercub - Destroy

This song, especially the live version (as shown), would make a really interesting performance video, especially with its slow but heavy sound. The instrumental sections would also be rather interesting to use in the music video.

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