Wednesday 5 July 2017

Pre-Production Preliminary Evaluation

During the pre-production of the preliminary, we looked at the music video, analysing it frame by frame, as to storyboard it and fully replicate it. As there was a large group of us, the analysis was a lot easier than it could’ve been. The music video we chose was Four Five Seconds by Rihanna featuring Drake and Paul McCartney, which we chose due to its simplicity and the ease at which we could replicate it in a school environment. We also casted our parts, using Ben as Drake, Isabel as Rihanna and Frank as Paul McCartney, due to the fact that they would suit the parts the most, whether due to appearance, personality or interest. We created a prop list of what we needed to get for the music video, including a guitar and the costume elements, such as a denim jacket for Ben.

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